Perspective is all about the knowledge base. Over the past several weeks my perspective has broadened on how I learn and with which learning theories I best align. I was introduced to learning theories in my training as an educator, however the exposure was limited to behaviorist, cognitive and constructivist theory. I was not familiar with social learning theory, connectivism or andragogy. Over the past several weeks I have gained a deeper understanding of the similarities and differences between these learning theories as well as my connection with each.
When asked in the past I would say I identify mostly with constructivist learning theory in terms of how I learn. I quickly realized as I was analyzing the different learning theories in the matrix that I can identify with all of these theories as a learner and move through them fluidly depending on the subject matter or context of the learning environment. As Ertmer
& Newby state, “what might be most effective for novice learners
encountering a complex body of knowledge for the first time, would not be
effective, efficient or stimulating for a learner who is more familiar with the
content” (1993, p. 67). Sometimes I am a novice learner and sometimes I am more an expert learner, but either way I can move forward in my learning and use different strategies to do so.
found an excellent article by Torrano and Torres (2004), which highlights
emerging research on self-regulated learning. A particular section
resonated with me, as these are the tasks that I believe I utilize in my learning and that I hope
to inspire in my future students:
Self-regulated learning is a fusion of skill
and will. The strategic learning is one who has learned to plan, control, and evaluate his
or her cognitive, motivational/affective, behavioral and contextual
processes. This learner knows how to learn, is self-motivated, knows his
or her possibilities and limitations, and as a function of this knowledge,
controls and regulates learning processes in order to adjust them to the task
objectives and to the
context, to optimize his or her performance and
improve skills through practice. (p. 22)
Self-regulation entails an understanding of which learning strategies work and which do not and also that each learning opportunity may require a different approach. Overall, I learned that "theories are useful because they open
our eyes to other possibilities and ways of seeing the world"(Mergel, 1998). As an instructional designer I must be able apply these theories to each new learning environment.
Technology is central to the learner that I have become. In order to seek out new information I utilize technology. In order to process the new information I organize the data digitally whether it is through simple note taking or more advanced concept maps. In order to gain a deeper understanding and different perspectives I reach out to peers via blogs, discussion groups, or social networking. In order to learn new skills I watch and learn via Youtube or guided practice tutorials. Technology has offered me greater opportunity for breadth and depth in my learning and in a more efficient way.
Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (1993).
Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an
instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 6(4),50-71.
Mergel, B. (1998). Instructional design and learning theories. Retrieved February 23, 2013 from
University of Saskatchewan, College of Education Web site:
F., & Torres, M.C.G. (2004). Self-regulated learning: Current and future
directions. Electronic Journal of
Research in Educational Psychology, 2(1), 1-34.